Foreign Exchange Rates

Foreign Exchange rates are stored in the system Cube as a central repository for all other Cubes to reference the currency rates. This reduces the need to place the rates in each Cube as a default. Exchange rates give the system the ability to convert currency values in the database from one currency into another. (e.g., Converting USD to Euro)

The settings in the Global Point of View essentially give a Cube View the currency rates that can be input or viewed in the system. 

Grid Settings Intersection

FX Rate Type

Average Rate     

The average currency rate of a period from the first day to the last day of the month.

Opening Rate

The currency rate at the beginning of the period.

Closing Rate

The currency exchange rate at the end of a period. 

Historical Rate

The currency rate to be used for a specific historical Account calculation open for a specific special transaction to be valued on a specific date.


Select Time frame

Source Currency

Select type of currency

Destination Currency

Select Destination Currency for viewing in this Cube View

Rows and Columns

Row Axis

This drop down defines what to display in the rows

Column Axis

This drop down defines what to display in the columns.

Example of FX Rates: